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What are the Rules on Self Defense in California?

Thirty or more states have legislation or judicial standards that allow reasonable or even deadly force to defend oneself or others who are being physically threatened. These laws come from the common law principle of the “castle doctrine,” which permits the use of force to protect yourself against an intruder in your home.

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Mental Health and Criminal Defense

Mental health issues affect 1 in 5 Americans. When mental health plays a role in criminal cases, matters can become quite complex. That is why getting the right legal counsel, no matter your particular situation, is critical.

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Shoplifting Charges in California

In California, a person may be arrested and charged with shoplifting for stealing or entering a retail store with the intent to steal an item on sale. Unfortunately, a shoplifting charge or conviction can subject the defendant to lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, a criminal record, and other social ramifications.

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California Changes the Felony Murder Rule

If you’re facing a murder charge in or around the greater Modesto, California area, the revised felony murder rule under Sections 188 and 189 regarding natural and probable consequences may provide you with a new defense against the charge.

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Are Parents Responsible for Their Child’s Crimes?

All parents understand how difficult it is to balance keeping their kids safe while also allowing them responsibility to make their own choices.

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The Costly Consequences of Ineffective Representation

If you’ve known someone who’s been accused of a crime or if you yourself have faced charges in the criminal justice system, you know just how important it can be to have a solid attorney on your side.

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The Consequences of Parental Kidnapping

When marriages and relationships fail, children are easily caught in the middle of it all. Often, the heightened emotions that surround separation and divorce lead to poor parenting choices. When these decisions involve children, it quickly creates a power struggle that is driven by anger, hurt, and resentment.

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What Qualifies as "Affirmative Consent" for Sexual Activity?

In every sexual relationship, consent is mandatory. Both parties involved in the sexual activity must willingly and freely agree to participate. However, if there is no consent or consent was coerced, such sexual activity may be considered rape or sexual assault. A seasoned California criminal defense attorney can help you understand what qualifies as affirmative consent for sexual activity.

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Sentencing Alternatives: Options to Avoid Imprisonment

If you are facing criminal charges, it may seem that going to jail or prison is inevitable. However, the criminal justice system in California offers several sentencing alternatives to avoid imprisonment. The loss of freedom can impact every aspect of your life, which is why it is vital to understand alternative sentencing options to stay out of jail.

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DUI Tests & Your Rights

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in California. That is why it is critical to understand your rights when stopped on suspicion of DUI or arrested by law enforcement for operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs.

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